Cancellation policy
When can I cancel my Saninet subscription?
Your account will stay at its current subscription level till the end of the term for which you have paid.
For example, if you paid for a 12 months Saninet Easy Professional subscription on January 1 your account will stay as a Saninet Easy Professional subscription till December 31st.
How do I cancel my Saninet subscription?
You don’t have to cancel a subscription. If you decide not to pay for a new period, your subscription is automatically cancelled from the date your original subscription has expired.
Note: Your Saninet account details will still state that you have an Saninet Easy or Saninet Easy Professional subscription after your subscription has expired. This is because this was the type of license that you had originally.
What happens when I cancel?
If you don’t renew your subscription, your account will remain active up through to the end date of your current subscription. All content that is private will remain private.
You will not be able to update or use any version of Saninet. Saninet requires periodical activation and this will not be possible without a valid paid account. You will therefore not be able to edit or make a new bathroom design.
However, you will still be able to view them with Saninet Viewer. You can restore previous functionality by renewing your subscription. Make sure you have saved your bathroom designs (snf-files) if you don’t renew your subscription or delete your account. Your bathroom designs (snf-files) cannot be recovered by us.